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The Test

A Skill for Life

The Advanced Driving Test is a voluntary test for those who wish to find out whether they can meet the IAM standards of a safe, legal and progressive drive. The test itself lasts for about 90 minutes and will usually cover about 35 miles. The route includes all types of roads and conditions including dual carriageways, urban areas, main roads, country lanes, residential areas and of course, motorways where possible. On the test, the examiner will look for certain features within your drive. You must drive your vehicle in a safe, systematic, smooth, progressive and restrained manner at all times. You must have regard for road, traffic and weather conditions and observe all speed limits. The four key skills of advanced driving are Concentration, effective all round Observation, Anticipation and Planning. The six S's of Advanced Driving, (Safety, System, Smoothness, (correct use of) Speed, Space and Sparkle ensure that the driver makes progress with skill and responsibility and is always at the right place on the road at the right time, traveling at the right speed with the correct gear engaged for that speed and can always stop safely in the distance that can be seen to be clear. Demonstrating excellence throughout the IAM test will reward you with an IAM F1RST, special certificate and membership card. Your name will also be entered into the F1RST register.